

After a heady 10 years in the rock music industry playing piano and electronica, Pete had a life changing epiphany and found the path of yoga. Seven years of studying, practicing and teaching Raja yoga with Swamis from the Sivananda lineage, culminated in him finding his guru, Sri Subramanium.

A giant amongst spiritual teachers, the Sri Lankan founder of Skandavale Ashram in West Wales, gave him a shaktipat blessing (energy transmission) which put him in to an altered state of consciousness for over half a year. During this 'interesting' time, trying to assimilate the profound experience of the initiation whilst holding down a job and looking after his family of three children, he noticed that the power of mantra and the inner experience of nada yoga (mystical sound) had begun to manifest. This resulted in a deep connection with the Divine through mantra, kirtan and sacred music which is very present in his voice and performances still today, 30 years later.

As time is racing on, Pete is now very keen to pass on what he knows to others.